Psychological Counselor - PDIN Director

Dr. Akın ÜÇOK


1. Undergraduate : On Dokuz Mayıs University / Faculty of Education
Psychological Counseling and Guidance (2006-2010)
2. Master : Kırıkkale University / Institute of Socıal Sciences
Department of Socıology (2011-2014)
3. Phd. : Kırıkkale University / Institute of Socıal Sciences
Department of Socıology (2014-2018)
1. Depression and Anxiety
2. Family Sociology
3. Child and Adolescent Psychology
4. Sociology of Old Age (Gerontology)
5. School Counseling
1. Interview Techniques Training (2011)
2. Practice and Evaluation Training of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) (2013)
3. Analysis and Evaluation Training of Personality (2016)
4. Practice and Evaluation Training of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) (2018)
5. EMDR Therapy for Trauma-Related Disorders (2019)
6. Basic Hypnosis Training (2019)
7. Advanced Techniques (Regression) in Hypnosis Training (2019)
8. CAS(Cognıtıve Asessment System) Practitioner Training (2019)
9. Denwer II Developmental Screenıng Test (2019)
10. ATTENTIONER Practitioner Training (2019)
11. PASS(Pass Reading Enhancment Program) Practitioner Training(2018)
1. Turkish Military Academy / Department of Sociology (Ankara/Turkey, 2011-2016)
Position: “Lecturer” and “Psychological Counselor”
2. 5. Military Command / Psychological Counseling Center (Gaziantep/Turkey, 2016-2018)
Position: “Center Manager” and “Psychological Counselor”
3. Papillon Psychological Counseling & Education Center (Ankara/Turkey, 2018-2019)
Position: “Center Manager” and “Psychological Counselor”.
4. University of Agder/ Department of Sociology and Social Work ( Kristiansand/Norway, 2020 – continue)
Position: “Dr. Visiting Researcher”
Articles Published in International Journals:
1. Erol, M., Çelik, H., & Üçok, A. (2015). Investigatıon of “self perception” and “life satisfaction” of
the adolescents who take the student selection and placement exam. Journal of Theory and
Practice in Education, 11(1), 321-345.
2. Kala, H. & Üçok, A. (2015). Socıal and Global Impact of The Cıvıl War in Syria Goverment, NonState actors in the middle east, 507-514, Kırıkkale.
3. Senol, D., Üçok, A. & Dinç, A. (2016). Female hand labor in city -Ankara sample- 13th İnternational
Congress of the Turkish World Social Sciences, 28-29 October 2015, Bakü/Azerbaycan: Methodology
Workshop 31 October 2015, Tiflis/Gürcistan: Reports Book, Saraçhane, İstanbul: Turkish World
Research Foundation.
4. Kala, H. & Üçok, A. (2016). Socio-economic status of young people in central asiasn Turkish
societies. Journal of İnternational Turk Dormitory, Year: 105 Number: 344.
5. Üçok, A. (2018). The comparision of the theories activity is senescence and rupture from life.
The Journal Of İnternational Social Research, 11(56), 451-456.
6. Becer, F. & Üçok, A. (2019). Reflactions of democracy values on family in the context of their
effects on culturalization. Turan CSR İnternational Scientific Peer- Reviewed and Refereed Journal,
11(42), 436-442.
7. Üçok, A. (2020). Reflection of state and democracy values in terms of their effects on healthy
age. Journal of Humanities Sciences, 15(1), 45-50.
1. Senol, D., Üçok, A. & Dinç, A. (2016). Female hand labor in city -Ankara sample- 13th İnternational
Congress of the Turkish World Social Sciences, 28-29 October 2015.
2. Kala, H. & Üçok, A. (2016). Socio-economic status of young people in central asiasn Turkish
societies. İnternational Silk Road and Turkish World İnformation Festival, 3-5 March 2016.
3. Kala, H. & Üçok, A. (2015). Socıal and Global Impact of The Cıvıl War in Syria. 2nd İnternational
Middle East Symposium 4-7 May 2016.
1. Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate course)
2. Introduction to Sociology (Undergraduate course)
3. Principles and Methods of Instruction (Undergraduate course)
4. History of Turkısh Socıology (Undergraduate course)
5. Family Sociology (Undergraduate course)
6. Social Psychology (Education seminar)
7. School Adaptation (Education seminar)
8. Communication Skills (Education seminar)